The Council of Women of Winnipeg presents
Pink Tea Politics
Date: Sunday May 28th, 2023
Time: 1:00PM
Location: Norwood Hotel 112 Marion St, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Cost: $50 per person Tickets available by: emailing councilwomenwinnipeg@gmail.com or by phone 204 292 9318
Order tickets: $50 per person
After you have ordered your tickets:
- Pay by eTransfer to councilwomenwinnipeg@gmail.com
- Use security question “who is welcome to join?” and security answer “everyone”
- Contact amacklem@mymts.net with any questions
- Pay by cheque payable to Council of Women Winnipeg and mail to: 204 - 825 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg, MB R3A 1M5
Please RSVP by Thursday, May 25, 2023
Questions? Please contact us at councilwomenwinnipeg@gmail.com or 204 292 9318