It’s with great pleasure and privilege that the Council of Women of Winnipeg (CWW) will be collaborating in partnership with our sister council, Provincial Council of Manitoba (PCWM) in this year’s 15th Annual “Celebrating Women Gala”. Both Councils have reached a great milestone! CWW celebrating its 130th Anniversary and PCWM celebrating its 75th Anniversary. Women Working Together can make a difference.
Honouring and recognizing women and organizations that have a history of making a difference within their communities.
2024 Honourees :
Mary Scott, Erna Buffie, Betty Edel, Karen Kowalski, Joanne Lewandowski, Barbara Shumeley, Bev Suck, Titi Tijani
Mama Bear Clan/Outdoor Urban Recreation Spaces (OURS)/Habitat for Humanity/Manitoba’s Women Build Committee