Come and join us on May 23 for a hands-on workshop on Health Care Directives and learn about Advance Care Planning in Manitoba.
Please note parking during day at Manitoba Possible is for staff but street parking available.
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 from 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Room #204 – 825 Sherbrook Street
Admission fee $15
councilwomenwinnpeg@gmail.com or 204 292 9318
Room #204 – 825 Sherbrook Street
Admission fee $15
councilwomenwinnpeg@gmail.com or 204 292 9318

Does it clearly state the type of care you would want in a medical emergency?
What happens if something bad happens and you can’t speak for yourself?
Do you know your rights when it comes to treatment at the hospital?
What does “heroic measures” really mean?
Learn about Advance Care Planning in Manitoba
Topics addressed in the presentation include:
- Legal issues around Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Health Care Directives (HCD), including the difference between a HCD and a Power of Attorney
- Your rights as a patient
- How to choose your health care proxy (substitute decision maker)
- How to make your wishes clear and understandable
- Comparisons of different types of HCDs and how to complete them
- A look at other documents used in Advance Care Planning
- Discussion of common but imprecise phrases such as “heroic measures” and “artificial means”
- A walk through the Dying With Dignity Canada ACP workbook and HCD form
- What to do (and what NOT to do) with your HCD after it’s completed Issues around resuscitation
TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023 from 1 pm to 3:30 pm
Room #204 - 825 Sherbrook Street
Admission fee $15
councilwomenwinnpeg@gmail.com or 204 292 9318
Pre-registration is required (Limit 25 attendees)