The Council of Women of Winnipeg (CWW) receives the Manitoba 150 Trailblazer award from the Nellie McClung Foundation
In partnership with the Winnipeg Free Press, the Nellie McClung Foundation presented the 150 Manitoba Trailblazer Awards to salute the contributions that women have made to social justice, arts, sports, politics, community activities and promoting democracy while continuing to develop this great province. The Trailblazer Awards honour Nellie McClung’s vision by recognizing the spirit of her life’s work being advanced by women leaders of today and throughout our history.
CWW proudly announces that we have chosen as a recipient of the award, and four individual Trailblazers:
- Muriel Smith
- Judy Wasylycia-Leis
- Mary Scott
- the late Eira “Babs” Friesen
On December 8th, we celebrated with a fundraiser “Honouring the Past, Embracing our Future” where Myrna Driedger and Doris Mae from Nellie McClung Foundation gave the keynote address.